H5P introduce new content types

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4 Apple iPad Pros with the new H5P content types displayed, including a crossword.

H5P have recently brought out three new content types:

  1. Crossword
  2. Image Choice
  3. Sort the Paragraphs

and of course I couldn’t wait to have a play.


The Crossword type is great fun and easy to create, the hardest part is coming up with the clues and answers. An additional clue can also be added which can be an image, text or video. You can customise the theme, so change all the colours of the squares etc. Once you have completed building the crossword and embedded it into your page the layout is shuffled each time you visit.

Image Choice

So for the Image Choice you create a question then add correct and wrong images. This is also really straightforward to create. Remember to consider the dimensions of your images,  though you can set the aspect ratio of the image containers to be automatic or all the same, 16:9, 4:3, 3:2, 1:1. All my images are the same dimensions below. It is a shame this type doesn’t shuffle.

All images Wikimedia Commons CC0

Sort the Paragraphs

Sort the paragraphs content type can actually be sentences or words as well. This is really easy to build, you just create your words / sentences / paragraphs in the correct order and it does the rest.  There are two ways to set the scoring ‘correctly placed paragraph’ and ‘correct sequence’. You can also have duplicate paragraphs, though I haven’t tried this yet. This of course does shuffle.

So three great, easy to use content types, which would slot easily in to any course.

Advent Calendar (beta)

The Advent Calendar has been around for a bit longer but I hadn’t had a chance to experiment with it until now. Not something you would think would be useful but it has lots of potential. I tried removing some of the doors as this is an option, unfortunately that doesn’t appear to work. The maximum no. of doors is 24 (default) and certainly for now the minimum. You can modify and randomise the doors as well as create a template for them so they look the same.

For the overall background, you can add an image, audio and there is an option to add falling snow. You have to add an image for the background of each door, and for the popup (when you open a door) you can add text, image, audio, video and a link. You can only add one of these for each door, so for instance you can’t add an image and text in the same door but you could add a link within a block of text.

You can also set this so you can only open each door on the correct day in December, so no peeking!

All images Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland eLearning